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we serve you by analyze concern water on site i.e. cooling water, boiler water, boiler feed water, condensate water, make up water, effluent etc. We are giving guidelines to your operators as well as on present programmed & future programmed with the aspect of energy saving.
We analyze :
1. |
pH, |
2. |
TDS, |
3. |
Total Hardness, Calcium Hardness, |
4. |
Phenolphthalein Alkalinity, |
5. |
Methyl Orange Alkalinity, |
6. |
phosphonate, |
7. |
Silica, Zinc |
8. |
Iron, cupper |
9. |
Nitrate, Nitrate |
10. |
Sulphate, Sulfite |
11. |
Phosphate, |
12. |
13. |
Oil & Grees contaminations, |
14. |
Suspended solids etc.. |
Treatment Program
Scale Prevention:
a. |
over designing of systems. |
b. |
Limiting the cycle of concentration. |
c. |
Softening the make up water. |
d. |
Acid feed to maintain the pH (suitable to maintain the LSI around +0.2) |
e. |
Mechanical means like increase water velocity or using sponge balls for on pipe line cleaning. |
f. |
Periodical cleaning. |
g. |
Treatment with Chemicals. In all these methods there are advantages and disadvantages. |
Hence let us look at the TREATMENT WITH CHEMICALS. Treatments with chemicals are most practical and cost effective method to control deposition. Scale formation is controlled by mechanize of threshold inhibition and crystal distortion. Threshold phenomenon is a mechanism by which substochimetric amounts of the chemical prevents or retards the growth of scale forming crystals. These chemicals are absorbed on the surface of the crystals and, interface with the nucleation of the scalant crystals preventing orderly lattice type growth. Crystal formation is retarded and when they are formed they are highly distorted, leading to a soft friable scale, which can be easily dispersed by the movement of water. This property permits operation of the cooling water systems at higher pH, and high cycle of concentration.
Monitoring of Treatment Chemicals
The success of any treatment program is based on the parameters being maintained and to achieve this closed monitoring of water parameters and chemicals dosage should be carried out. The evaluation should be done for
1. |
Corrosion. |
2. |
Scale & Fouling. |
3. |
Micro biological growth. |
The method of monitoring these problems may be referred in our site by navigating technical service
Water tests may be conducted to evaluate basic water chemistry and to determine if the water meets the minimum criteria for bacterial and chemical content. There is no one simple test for all water problems.
Bacteriological Test
A bacteriological test tells you if your water is free from disease-causing bacteria. It is possible to test for virtually every water-borne disease-causing bacteria and virus, but such a test would be costly. Instead, the most common test is for total Coliform bacteria. Because Coliform bacteria commonly inhabit the gastrointestinal tract of warm-blooded animals, they serve as indicators of fecal contamination and as a marker for other, possibly pathogenic microorganisms.
The report from the laboratory will indicate that the water is either Coliform negative or Coliform positive. If the test is Coliform positive, then you should act immediately to determine and eliminate the source of contamination and/or disinfect the water before use.
Mineral Test
A mineral analysis indicates the extent of mineral impurities in the water. Large amounts of minerals and other impurities may pose a health hazard and affect the appearance and usefulness of the water.
A typical mineral analysis will give the content in parts per million of mineral elements such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper and zinc. It will also determine the acidity or pH of the water and the hardness, expressed in parts per million or grains per gallon. It may also give the concentration of nitrate, sulfates and other chemical compounds.
Chemical Test
Many man-made chemicals can contaminate a water supply and impair its usability and/or create a health hazard. Examples include petroleum products, agricultural pesticides and industrial chemicals.
Unless a specific chemical or type of chemical is suspected to be in the water, this type of test is not routinely performed. It can be very expensive to test for the presence of unspecified chemical contaminants. However, if you suspect a particular chemical a test can usually be performed at minimal cost.
Private Water Supplies
Routine Tests. The testing frequencies that follow are general guidelines. Test more often if you suspect that there is a problem with the quality of your drinking water.
Once each year test for Coliform bacteria, nitrate, pH and TDS. Test for these contaminants during the spring or summer following a rainy period. Conduct these tests after repairing or replacing an old well or pipe and after installing a new well or pump.
Every three years, test for sulfate, chloride, iron, manganese, lead, and hardness and corrosion index. If a new baby is expected, test for nitrate in the early months of the pregnancy, before bringing an infant home and again during the first six months of the baby's life.
Special Situations. What you are living next to can sometimes affect the quality of your well water. If someone in your family becomes ill, or the taste, odor or color of your water changes, your water supply might be contaminated.
If your well is in an area of intensive agricultural use - test for pesticides commonly used in the area, Coliform bacteria, nitrate, pH and TDS.
If your well is near a gas-drilling operation - test for chloride, sodium, barium and strontium.
If your water smells like gasoline or fuel oil and your well is located near an operational or abandoned gas station or buried fuel storage tanks - test for fuel components or volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
If your well is near a dump, junkyard, landfill, factory, or dry-cleaning operation - test for volatile organic compounds (fuel components and cleaning solvents), pH, TDS, chloride, sulfate and metals.
If your well is near sea water and you detect a salty taste or notice signs of corrosion on pipes - test for chloride, TDS and sodium. |